Sunday morning worship

First Sunday of the month schedule:
- Teaching & discussion – 9:30 am
- Worship – 10:45 am
Regular Sunday schedule:
- Sunday school – 9:30 am
- Worship & sermon – 10:15 am
First Sunday of the month schedule:
Regular Sunday schedule:
Life Mennonite Fellowship began in 1997 under the leadership of Lester Miller with a vision of a place for long-term clients of Life Ministries to have a local safe place to worship. Initially the church was a type of ’hospital church’ where congregants would come to grow in their walk with God and also find healing in relational struggles through the power of the Lord.
As Life Church grew, it has continued to be a place of healing, but also a place of discipleship, teaching, and equipping for the work of the Lord. It is a place where radical grace is offered and Christ is our common bond of unity in our diversity.
The first church service was held on June 15, 1997 at Life Ministries (250 Meadow Lane Conestoga, Pa) with approximately 25 people present in the upstairs chapel room. For the first 14 years we were affiliated with Lancaster Conference under the Martindale District, with Nelson Bowman giving pastoral oversite.
In 1999 Nevin Forry and Mark Schlabach were licensed to join Lester in Pastoral care of the congregation. On December 26, 2001 Lester Miller went home to be with the Lord. It was a hard time for a young congregation to lose its visionary pastor, but God continued to care for and lead us during our grieving. With Lester’s passing, Mark Schlabach was chosen to be the Lead Pastor. On October 9, 2005 Tim Beachy and Doug Fuhrman were licensed as associate Pastors.
As the congregation grew we started looking for another facility. From 2007 – 2009, the church expanded to several local schools: Pequea Elementary and Martic Middle School. In January 2009, the church purchased our current facility at 732 Millwood Rd, Willow Street.
Doug Fuhrman was installed as lead pastor in 2017, and Galen Beiler was called to be the Associate Pastor (2014). The congregation also added two Deacons, Ervin Barkman in 2012 and Vernon Esh in 2014.
Currently there are approximately 125 members and an attendance of 225-250 on Sunday mornings.
A range of ministries flow out of Life Fellowship Church. In addition to our Sunday Morning service, we have bi-monthly Cell Group ministries that meet in homes made up of 6-7 families where fellowship and accountability happens in deeper ways. We also have organized men’s and women’s events with an emphasis on discipleship and connection. Our Adult retreat is also another connection/fun highlight event that we hold each year in October. There are various other events as well such as seminars, special focus teachings and fellowship events.
Revival services are an annual Spring event that focuses on calling us to the heart of God in instruction, cleansing and repentance.
Our Youth Ministry focus is to be a place where youth can have life giving connection, Bible studies, and serving opportunities. They meet twice a month for bible study with various other activities throughout the month. The bi-yearly theatrical play is a highlight for the youth which provides funds for their mission’s trips.
We also have an active Missions Team who help prepare, send, support, and also reintegrate missionaries all across the world. Our various missionaries are surrounded by a Support Team that is very involved with their care.
At Life Fellowship, our vision is to inspire one another to faith, hope and love in the life changing power of Jesus Chris for empowerment and engagement in Kingdom work.
We also have a mission to help people become fully alive in God by intentional teaching, preaching, and discipleship in God’s Word from a Biblical Anabaptist perspective.
Please access our Church’s Statement of Faith and Covenant of Faith and Practice below to see what we as Anabaptists believe.